Monday, September 27, 2010

didnt make it to the next level

capitalism is a pain in the ass. i have long ago stopped killing zombies as per L4D but have recently started again all thanks to the mass amount of labor work. there isnt much to say or is it my receptors are just feeling a bit numb these days.. there isnt passion in anything, excitement even after the first cup of coffee.

jaded is a good word.

told a friend i had the thought of getting myself into accident just to avoid (&&^%^&$ work at the office and i got the "are you okay?" question with full sincerity. i was like, "pah! of course i'm ok... i think so.."

who wants to hear a gloomy story anyways. i get sick of it but i dwell in it. eventually i'll move along but at times things are pretty unbearable.

if i have the say i'd stay in Paris every chance i get. i'd stalk models coming out of fashion week and find my way in through the back door. i'll date painters and violinists, take trains from north to south and travel with an empty peace of mind. in the mornings i'll sit by my window watching the streets and people sipping on cafe au lait, eating gourmet pain. just let it seep through me and revive this back to a heavy beating heart. i'll never really grow old.


amywammy said...

siapa kawan ko yang nama Pah tu? dia sangat ikhlas.

/////ganjil///// said...

hahaa it was just a sound i make to his question la... my colleague at the office :)

amywammy said...

tau la!!hahaha