Monday, May 9, 2011


ah. aku malas nak berkarya. bersimpul-simpul kerawang manik mengulit bahasa. hari ni aku type sebab tak boleh nak tidur. took me a while to realize why so, doesnt help i have a massive report due tomorrow. aku terus terang disini, AKU BENCI ACCOUNTING SIAPA YANG INVENT MMG NAK KENA PUKUL. everyone's walking around like they have sumthing stuck up their you know where. so rigid. god forbid i will break these accounting guidelines! the deities of FRS akan meletakkan sumpah laknat keatasku kerana menyorokkan 30,000 yen! oh bagaimana??! being answerable for not putting everything into book. good book-keeping, yes how wonderous it is to read a book filled with numbers from start to finish. in the climax of the story, around 170,000 sgd was collected as result to who gives damn just book it so we get the cut.

aku paling benci sebab ini bukan aku. lari sini sana screaming what the hell did you book into my account atau why the heck is your report wrong again or feck me the cfo's looking for me... aku rasa macam tunggul kayu/batu konkrit accidentally made by a huge slip of cement. i couldnt care less about your books or numbers or these variances. it aint my revenue bro.

kalau boleh aku nak pakai topi besar, pakai shirt putih and short pants, main ukelele and duduk dalam hammock tepi beach. atau duduk tengah bandar invisibly snapping pictures of random people like its a crime. naik bas and pegi ipoh tiba-tiba, bila bosan balik.

seriously ini semua propaganda. idea career people yang diserap ke dalam otak remaja sangat membosankan. aku mangsanya. dan kesimpulannya, ia adalah cara yang sangat bosan dan sangat lembab membuat duit!!

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